Tuesday, October 21, 2008


A friend sent me an email today forwarding a long, long rambling political rant questioning Barak Obama's qualifications to be president, claiming he had only promised vague 'change' and then launching into the same tired story about John McCain's long, sad story about his captivity, how deserving he was of honor and citing no clue as to how we would benefit from hiring him to continue on the public payroll as leader of the free world. Not a word about why the writer thought the rest of us should want to vote for his outdated, worn-out icon of the great white warrior come to fight for us and save us from the socialist beasts and foreign terrorists.
I'm hoping for deliverance from the Republican warmongers and Barak Obama is my only hope.
Vote for yourself-vote Democratic!
Here is my reply to my friend :

Please reply this to whoever sent you that ridiculous political rant.

I don't have time to waste replying to this overlong, belabored simplistic political tripe but I feel compelled to respond to this:

The writer asks for specifics about the change promised by Obama and the Democrats and the plunges into a long dissertation about McCain's history.

Well, the change has been clarified for him. Peace instead of War!  Tax cuts and justice for the middle-class masses instead of  tax cuts and grandiose giveaways for an elite few.

Education and infrastructure jobs instead of bloated business bureaucracy. To name only a few of the most obvious differences between the Democratic platform and plan and what Republicans have given us for 8 years just as they have through most of my 67 years of life.

John McCain is as obsolete as his rusty ideas!

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