Thursday, December 11, 2008

Slave Market, St. Augustine

Preemptive Military Action

Yesterday CNN quoted Bush as saying to West Point Cadets (speaking about preemptive military action): "We have laid a solid foundation that future presidents and military leaders can build on."





Have we learned anything from the fact that we have not actually won a war since WWII.

In Korea we settled and partitioned.

In Vietnam we fled.

In Gulf War I we desisted and left the enemy in place.

In Iraq we are perpetuating our involvement in someone else's civil war.

In Afghanistan we are killing civilians in a military attempt to capture a foreign criminal who may be dead.

What price victory?

Can you name a positive outcome from any of the post WWII conflicts named above?

I didn't think so.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Wife's Cousin

I'm finally admitting it. Bob Ney is my lovely wife's cousin.
Sure he's history but how might his evil work affect this year's election?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


A friend sent me an email today forwarding a long, long rambling political rant questioning Barak Obama's qualifications to be president, claiming he had only promised vague 'change' and then launching into the same tired story about John McCain's long, sad story about his captivity, how deserving he was of honor and citing no clue as to how we would benefit from hiring him to continue on the public payroll as leader of the free world. Not a word about why the writer thought the rest of us should want to vote for his outdated, worn-out icon of the great white warrior come to fight for us and save us from the socialist beasts and foreign terrorists.
I'm hoping for deliverance from the Republican warmongers and Barak Obama is my only hope.
Vote for yourself-vote Democratic!
Here is my reply to my friend :

Please reply this to whoever sent you that ridiculous political rant.

I don't have time to waste replying to this overlong, belabored simplistic political tripe but I feel compelled to respond to this:

The writer asks for specifics about the change promised by Obama and the Democrats and the plunges into a long dissertation about McCain's history.

Well, the change has been clarified for him. Peace instead of War!  Tax cuts and justice for the middle-class masses instead of  tax cuts and grandiose giveaways for an elite few.

Education and infrastructure jobs instead of bloated business bureaucracy. To name only a few of the most obvious differences between the Democratic platform and plan and what Republicans have given us for 8 years just as they have through most of my 67 years of life.

John McCain is as obsolete as his rusty ideas!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why Vote?

A friend sent me an email today asking if I was going to vote. What  
difference did it make anyhow?

The difference is this time it matters because the people need a  
little help and the Republicans and Republicrats only wanna continue  
to rob the dumb customers (the American People) just as they always  
have. And they can stand together to do this despite their hatred of  
each other while we common folk cannot stand together despite our  
love for our fellow Americans. That is the secret of their strength  
and that is the secret of our weakness, to paraphrase Dostoevsky.

What that means at this time is that we common folk can choose to do  
nothing and allow the actual military industrial forces that are now  
involved in a struggle for dominance in the areas that are energy  
sources to continue to sap our economy to pay for their power. Or we  
can stand together for our common good and demand that the government  
address our common needs. Our needs like affordable health care and  
housing for ALL of us. Like jobs that pay enough to provide for our  
needs even after the confiscatory taxation most of us are subject to.  
Like a few years of peace, prosperity and respect in the world as a  
great nation again.

Who are you voting for?
Vote for your self.
Vote Democratic.
Please forward this.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


AS A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES I do not support the war in Iraq. I see Iraq and its people as no enemy of the people of the United States and I see no reason to continue the military occupation of any part of Iraq. 
Until the administration names someone as the enemy and declares war on them our troops should be withdrawn, the legitimate government of Iraq should assume responsibility for the security of the people of Iraq and our men and women should be returned to our country, perhaps to support the war on our real enemies on the streets of our cities.
Why not put our military personnel on the streets in plain clothes in high crime areas and order them to combat the gangsters who have taken over territory and continue to hold Americans hostage in their own homes in neighborhoods all over America.
Oh yes, of course, the military can't be used against citizens in internal conflicts.
Shades of Kent State.
But this time the enemy is real, armed, threatening and in many cases, alien.
Why are we spending billions of dollars and wasting many lives fighting an imaginary enemy in a foreign land while our cities are being invaded by thugs and killers here at home?
I hereby declare the so-called War in Iraq ended and I want my brothers and sisters to come home where they are needed.

Moultrie Creek Morning